4 Quick Strategies to Resolve Couple Conflict clinton power conflict fighting for couples Dec 09, 2020

by Clinton Power, Grad. Dip Couns/Psych., Ad. Dip Gestalt Therapy

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

All couples fight at one time or another. If you think you should never argue, you’re unrealistic. A more productive goal is to learn how to quickly and efficiently resolve your...

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Lost Your Spark? How to Reignite Your Love caelen cann for couples Nov 18, 2020

By Caelen S. Cann, MA, LPC, LAC, ADS

PACT Level 3 Candidate, PACT Ambassador

A couple new to me, Kristin and Dan, are sitting in my office. This is their first session, and from what they have presented thus far, their relationship isn’t on fire. “Why are you two seeking couple...

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A Note of Gratitude and Our Vision for the Near FutureĀ ā€” from Stan and Tracey Tatkin for therapists stan tatkin tracey boldemann tatkin Nov 11, 2020

We’ve known for a long time about the many benefits of cultivating a sense of gratitude: more joy, less stress, better health.

So when anxiety started to bubble up earlier this year, it seemed like an especially good time to begin a more intentional practice of flexing those gratitude...

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Protecting Your Relationship from Racism annie chen for couples racism Oct 19, 2020

By Annie Chen, LMFT

PACT Level 2 Therapist

As society shines a light on the injustice and racism that persists within its ranks in the last few months, it's time to take a look at what you can do about racism within the context of committed partnership.

Does societal racism negatively affect...

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Metaphors Become Reality: Helping to Secure Relationships Under Threat cross commenting edna avraham for therapists secure-functioning Oct 14, 2020

By Edna Avraham, LMFT

PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador


“We are in the fox hole together.”

“We are rowing the same boat.”

“Don’t poke holes in the couple bubble.

These metaphors represent some of the secure-functioning...

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Collaboration in the Co-Parenting Partnership aurisha smolarski children co-parenting for couples parenting Sep 19, 2020

By Aurisha Smolarski, MA, LMFT 

PACT Level 2 Therapist

 No one said parenting was easy, let alone co-parenting with an ex.

Learning how to co-parent is complicated. It’s a partnership full of emotional undertones and adjustments. Being divorced or...

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An Exercise to Help Navigate the Effects of Sexual Trauma for therapists kate balestrieri staging trauma Sep 14, 2020

By Kate Balestrieri, Psy.D., CSAT-S, CST

PACT Level 3 Candidate, PACT Ambassador

For a sexual trauma survivor, the idea or act of being sexual with their partner can be ripe with hopes, pleasure, fears, frustrations, and shame. For the partner of a sexual trauma survivor, sex can be just as...

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Cultivating Your Couple Bubble couple bubble for couples margaret martin Aug 30, 2020

By Margaret Martin, LCSW

PACT Level 3 Candidate, PACT Ambassador


In a healthy romantic relationship partners create safety and security with each other. Partners have each other’s backs and the folks around them see that they have each other’s backs. In PACT we...

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Getting to the Truth Through Cross-Tracking cross-tracking eda arduman for therapists interventions Aug 24, 2020

By Eda Arduman, MA, Clinical Psychology
PACT Certified Clinician, PACT Faculty

The PACT therapist uses cross-tracking — a technique of inquiry as well as an intervention — along with other techniques to understand couple functioning. The therapist is aiming to get information about...

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Creating Relational Safety Under Survival Conditions, Part I co-regulation debra campbell for couples Jun 30, 2020

By Debra Campbell, MS, LMFT

PACT Level 3 Candidate, PACT Ambassador

Everything is the same, yet nothing is the same. The question of what constitutes acceptable exposure risk to COVID-19 is being debated around the globe. With new medical findings and recommendations emerging daily, how are...

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How Creating a Shared Purpose Unites and Renews Couples beth newton for therapists secure functioning Jun 17, 2020

By Beth Newton, LCSW, LCAS
PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

“Winter Is Coming”

“We Do Not Sow” 

“Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”

“Family, Duty, Honor” 

If you are a Game of Thrones fan, you know that each...

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Staying Connected Despite Your COVID-Cancelled Wedding co-regulation for couples secure functioning susan stork weddings May 27, 2020

by Susan Stork, LCPC, NCC

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador


Many once soon-to-be-married couples have had their wedding plans altered due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You booked your venue, hotel, caterer, and entertainment – and likely spent...

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