By Beth O’Brien
PACT Certified Clinician, PACT Faculty
Betrayal is one of the biggest threats to a couple relationship. When one partner betrays the other, they violate the trust and confidence that exists between them. The safety and security of the relationship is ruptured. Examples of...
By Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin, PhD, AMFT
PACT Institute Co-founder
I was inspired to write this blog after sitting around the Thanksgiving table with my family and sharing what we are thankful for. We do this each year, yet this year I started to reflect on my gratitude for being part of the overall...
We are delighted to announce that Dr. Hans Stahlschmidt has been named Dean of Students and Faculty for the PACT Institute, a position that has been newly created to better serve the needs of our students and our growing faculty.
Hans has been part of the PACT Institute almost since its...
PACT instructors are extraordinary clinicians and teachers. Each one brings profound insight, expertise in working with couples, and a passion for mentoring other therapists.
PACT developer Stan Tatkin says, “We are so thrilled to have these phenomenal PACT clinicians team teaching...
By Beverly Baker, MBA
PACT Institute Executive Director
Are you curious about what goes on behind the scenes? About how events are produced or what goes into an art exhibition? As a logistics nerd, I am just as fascinated by the process as the result. Any event I attend, from art galleries to...
In the fall of 2009, several fellow clinician colleagues of Patricia Hart, PhD, and Hans Stahlschmidt, PhD, told them that they were “very excited about this interesting guy” who had a new model of couple therapy, and they invited Hans and Patricia to hear him speak.
So when Stan...
By Allison Howe, LMHC
PACT Certified Clinician, PACT Faculty
Couples come to our office in distress. They want to feel better. For me, PACT therapy provides medicine for the couple. PACT is an approach designed to alleviate the symptoms that come from an insecure, unfair, insensitive relationship...
By Daniel Scrafford
PACT Level 3 Therapist
In my early professional years, I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?
— Carl...
This month, we’re celebrating a new cohort to have earned the distinct title of PACT Certified Therapist. These therapists completed the highest level of PACT training this year, and you may see them teaching classes, offering consultation, or sharing PACT research projects.
We asked them...
As PACT founder Stan Tatkin says, “A daily gratitude practice is a happiness practice.”
And the cultivation of gratitude in your own life can serve as a potent tool to enhance your clients' emotional well-being — and your own.
More than just a platitude, gratitude has the transformative ability to...
In place of a blog article this month, we’re sharing a question that a PACT community member posted in the Google Group recently, along with several responses. Both the question and the responses were thoughtful and authentic, and we wanted our larger PACT community to have the benefit of...
By Doris Montalvo Moll
Clinical Psychologist
PACT Level 3 Therapist
This work stems from a concern of mine, an initially unarticulated feeling that I have had for some time. This feeling arose during both clinical and nonclinical situations in which I heard statements, such as "I am too...