PACT faculty members are phenomenal therapists, teachers, and researchers. Each one brings years of experience and expertise, and we’re excited to introduce them to our community.
Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT
Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT is a teacher, clinician, researcher, and developer of the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy® (PACT)...
Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin, PhD
Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin, PhD, has served as the director of various philanthropic family foundations for over 30 years. In this role...
Dr. Hans Stahlschmidt has been part of the PACT Institute for over 13 years. He has collaborated with Dr. Stan Tatkin in developing curriculums and trainings and co-teaches both the Level 3 training as well as the certification program.
As a PACT instructor, Dr. Patricia Hart brings to the PACT Institute more than 35 years of experience in individual and couples therapy. She also has a deeply held belief that fulfilling relationships are the central component of growth and healing.
Eda Arduman is an American-Turkish psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience in contemporary psychoanalysis and couple relationships. Her work is guided by a multicultural lens as she also specializes in working with complicated and multicultural couples.
For Allison Howe, each couple's relationship identity is unique, which keeps the role of a couple therapist so interesting. She sees the relationship as the journey, PACT as the roadmap, and the therapy as a holistic medicine to help with the pain.
Beth O’Brien, PhD, is a licensed psychologist in private practice, a published author and researcher, consultant, and faculty instructor for PACT Level 1 training.
Beth has been a clinician specializing in couple therapy for the past 25 years. Her couples embrace PACT as they see how it benefits their relationship.
Julie Rappaport loves turning “We need therapy” into “We got this!” With a Bachelors in Psychology and Pre-Med (1993), a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology (2001), and a bajillion trainings and certifications which are ongoing, she combines her slightly woo-woo side with her love of science and facts, always with a dash of humor mixed in.
Joy A. Dryer, has always worn four professional hats over her last 40+ years in practice: 1) clinician, psychologist, psychoanalyst, 2) adjunct associate professor, educator, supervisor; 3) divorce mediator and coach, and 4) writer, academic and popular blogs.
Dr. Rachel Holland is a chartered clinical psychologist with the British Psychological Society who specializes in psycho-oncology, the psychological care...
Dr. Krista Jordan is an early practitioner of the PACT model. She began studying with PACT founder Stan Tatkin in 2008, and was in continuous attendance at trainings through 2019. Dr. Jordan was originally trained both as an outcomes researcher and a psychodynamic psychotherapist.
Level One trainings are led by core faculty members throughout the world. Click here to find training near you.
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