Windows to the Soul: Changing States Through Eye-Gazing co-regulation eye gazing for therapists interventions jacqui christie Dec 09, 2020

by Jacqui Christie, M.Psych

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

 Anyone who works with couples knows how tricky the particulars of partner dynamics can be. In fact, the more people in the room, the more energy gets brought into that room. The potential for that energy to become intense...

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Getting to the Truth Through Cross-Tracking cross-tracking eda arduman for therapists interventions Aug 24, 2020

By Eda Arduman, Ma.

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

The PACT therapist uses cross-tracking — a technique of inquiry as well as an intervention — along with other techniques to understand couple functioning. The therapist is aiming to get information about one partner by...

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Staging to Influence the Thermostat in Couple Therapy for therapists interventions melissa ferrari self-regulation staging Apr 16, 2020

By Melissa Ferrari

Dip. of C & C, Advanced Dip in Transactional Analysis (Psychotherapy)

Clinical Registrant PACFA

PACT Level 3 Candidate, PACT Ambassador

We all know that moment when we see a couple for the first time. Immediately, as a trained PACT therapist,...

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Be Ready to Drop Your Darlings and Other Lessons from PACT beth o'brien for therapists interventions Feb 20, 2020

By Beth O’Brien, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist

PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

In PACT training, Dr. Stan Tatkin shared this gem: “Be prepared to drop your darlings.” Darlings are those valuable insights a counselor acquires as s/he sees the...

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If Therapy Is Medicine, How Do We Prevent Overdose? allison howe for therapists interventions Sep 12, 2019

Allison Howe, LMHC

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

 Couples come to our office in distress. They want to feel better. For me, PACT therapy provides medicine for the couple. PACT is an approach designed to alleviate the symptoms that come from an insecure,...

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The Body Knows How to Love arousal regulation for therapists interventions michele mccormick Apr 17, 2017

 Michele McCormick, Ph.D.
PACT Level III candidate
Newport Beach, CA

The body tells the story. In contrast with traditional psychoanalysts, PACT-trained therapists need not take an extensive life history in the first session to discern how a client’s past affects how he or...

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Couples in Distress: Working With Bottom-up Interventions for therapist inga gentile interventions Feb 16, 2015

by Inga Gentile, MFT, PACT faculty, Bardu, Norway
Email: [email protected]
“Nothing is more revealing than movement.” — Martha Graham

Despite our conscious narratives, which are formed in the brain’s left hemisphere, much of what we do is...

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Waiting for Inspiration approach for therapists interventions stan tatkin therapy Dec 30, 2012

by Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT,

Inspiration should be the guiding incentive for doing interventions, not pressure. Many therapists, including experienced ones, act on pressure rather than from a creative place. Pressure can come in various forms: pressure from the patient, pressure from...

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