If Therapy Is Medicine, How Do We Prevent Overdose? allison howe for therapists interventions Sep 12, 2019

Allison Howe, LMHC

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

 Couples come to our office in distress. They want to feel better. For me, PACT therapy provides medicine for the couple. PACT is an approach designed to alleviate the symptoms that come from an insecure,...

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Back to School with the 3Rs allison howe for therapists secure functioning Sep 16, 2018

Allison Howe, LMHC 
PACT Level II 
Saratoga Springs, NY 

As PACT-trained therapists, it is perplexing when we find ourselves working with a couple who are not moving into secure functioning. There are a number of factors to consider: Is...

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Mentor Couples allison howe for couples Apr 12, 2016

by Allison Howe, LMHC
PACT Level II practitioner
Saratoga Springs, NY
Email: [email protected]

Do you and your partner have any mentor couples in your lives? A number of couples in my practice report that they don’t have a mentor couple in their social or support network. Yet mentor...

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