Sydney, Australia
I love being a couple therapist, and after 18 years, I am pretty...
by Eda Arduman, Ma., clinical psychologist couple therapist
Level 2 PACT therapist
Istanbul Bilgi University clinical supervisor instructor
Clinical Psychology MFT Master Program
It has been said that intimate relationships are not for the faint hearted, yet research shows us time and time again...
by Allison Howe, LMHC
PACT Level II practitioner
Saratoga Springs, NY
Email: [email protected]
Do you and your partner have any mentor couples in your lives? A number of couples in my practice report that they don’t have a mentor couple in their social or support network. Yet mentor...
by Elaine G. Tuccio, LCSW, PACT faculty, Austin, TX
Email: [email protected]
Challenging couples are difficult to work with if all the therapist knows to do is referee the flow of conversation and inappropriate behaviors. PACT-trained therapists, on the other hand, have numerous...
by Eva Van Prooyen, M.F.T., PACT faculty, Los Angeles, CA
Email: [email protected]
Loving in a way that supports, energizes, and grows a long-term relationship means loving your partner the way he or she needs to be loved. Many...
by Inga Gentile, LMFT (California), licensed psychologist (Norway)
PACT core faculty, Tromsø, Norway
A couple’s relationship is especially vulnerable to crisis during key transition points in life, such as the birth of a baby, the formation of a...
by Stefan Neszpor, FRCPC, director of the Adelaide Couples Clinic and PACT Level II practitioner, Adelaide, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Most couples have a story about what is taking place in their relationship. However, the story often doesn’t match the reality of how they...
by Karen Berry, Ph.D.
PACT faculty, Warwick, NY
Email: [email protected]
Often when couples come to therapy seeking assistance with issues related to sexuality, the problem is not what it appears to be. They describe issues such as sexual...
by Hans Jorg Stahlschmidt, Ph.D., PACT faculty, Berkeley, CA
Email: [email protected]
Some couple therapists have referred to their work as flying a helicopter into a hurricane. Perhaps the metaphor is inflated, but couple therapy is certainly an...
by Annette Kreuz Smolinski
Licensed clinical psychologist (Spain), Dipl. Psych. ( Germany),
Trainer and supervisor in couple and family therapy, PACT Level II practitioner
The annoying truth is that all couples fight. Conflicts are an absolutely normal phenomenon...
by Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT,
A study by Harvard University researchers that looked at data for more than five million families, and that was recently featured in The New York Times, found that where you live in the United States greatly influences your chances of getting...
by Eva Van Prooyen, M.F.T., PACT faculty, Los Angeles CA
When a betrayal has been discovered in their relationship, couples come to therapy feeling lost, disoriented, confused, and angry. They may even wonder if there is hope. Infidelity strips away happiness and threatens emotional...