The Big Win - What Divorcing Parents (and Their Kids) Want   divorce for couples parents secure functioning Oct 27, 2019


By Aurisha Smolarski, MA, LMFT 

PACT Level 2 Therapist

 The marriage and relationship have ended, and you wish you could just say goodbye to each other and move on. But . . . you have kids. 

Relating to each other as divorced parents can be as...

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Using PACT to Fight Fair attunement coregulation for therapists kate balestrieri secure functioning Oct 21, 2019

By Kate Balestrieri, Psy.D., CSAT-S, CST

PACT Level 2 Therapist

All couples fight. Therapists know this. Couples (most couples) know this. But in the moment, it feels like annihilation for a couple ill-prepared to stay attuned and remain committed to a secure-functioning...

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Communication 101: Speak and Be Heard, Part 1 communication for therapists kara hoppe Sep 19, 2019

By Kara Hoppe, MA, LMFT

PACT Level 2 Therapist

As a couple therapist, I’ve learned that relationships are like fingerprints: each one is unique. Even though each couple reaches out for couple therapy for a variety of reasons, they all, at some point during our...

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If Therapy Is Medicine, How Do We Prevent Overdose? allison howe for therapists interventions Sep 12, 2019

Allison Howe, LMHC

PACT Level 2 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

 Couples come to our office in distress. They want to feel better. For me, PACT therapy provides medicine for the couple. PACT is an approach designed to alleviate the symptoms that come from an insecure,...

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With Love from Big Sur: Building the Couple Bubble couple bubble for couples jason brand Aug 28, 2019
Jason Brand, LCSW
PACT Certified Therapist

On a rainy Sunday afternoon in May, we wrapped up the Wired for Love Couples Retreat at Esalen in Big Sur, California. I assisted Stan Tatkin and Tracey Boldemann-Tatkin with 30 couples who came to find out how PACT can strengthen their...

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Healing Trauma Relationally Through PACT coregulation for therapists jeff cohen trauma Aug 20, 2019

By Jeff Cohen, MFT
PACT Level 3 Therapist 

When Gayle and Paul came to see me, it was clear that Gayle felt Paul was the problem. Paul was taciturn to an unusual degree and could be quick to anger. For her part, Gayle presented as highly verbal, competent, and overtly friendly;...

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Love Notes from Piano Camp empty-nesters for couples regulation susan orenstein Jul 26, 2019

By Susan Orenstein, Ph.D.

PACT Level 2 Therapist

PACT Ambassador

Let me start at the beginning of our love story.

My freshman year at Brown University, a resident counselor introduced me to another student because we both had a love of piano. Growing up, when I played...

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Working with Families – PACT Style family for therapists stan tatkin trauma Jul 17, 2019


By Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT
PACT Co-Founder

Two main issues face the PACT family therapy process: Structure and Attendance.


A challenge within typical family therapy is the structure that holds some family members to their particular family roles. While...

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How Secure-Functioning Principles Help Parents Who Are Divorcing divorce edna avraham for therapists secure functioning Jun 26, 2019

By Edna Avraham, LMFT
PACT Ambassador, Level III Therapist

The Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy (PACT) focuses on helping and coaching couples to “secure” each other in order to reduce threat, thrive, and grow closer. While they are designed for couples who...

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Techniques to Help Distressed Couples Slow Down and Reconnect debra campbell for therapists repair Jun 16, 2019

By Debra Campbell, MS, LMFT
PACT Ambassador, Level 3

When a couple comes to our office, they bring a dynamic in the relationship that pains them.  Neither partner sees the issue in the same way, and they don’t know how to solve it.  Often,...

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Do You Have Your Partner’s “Owner Manual”? for therapists lisa rabinowitz secure functioning May 22, 2019

By Lisa Rabinowitz, LCPC
PACT Level II Therapist 

In your romantic relationship, paying attention to your partner’s responses and attitudes is especially prudent. Observing impressions and reactions can help you become more in tune with a...

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Repairing Distress through Vulnerability for couples jason polk repair vulnerability May 21, 2019

By Jason Polk, LCSW, LAC 
PACT level II Therapist 
Denver, CO

Repair is one of the most important things for couple s to master. If there was an incident or argument that caused one or both of you distress, repair moves you back into harmony,...

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