by Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT
Many partners ask me how to take care simultaneously of themselves and of their partner. In practical terms, this can be difficult to carry off. Similarly, some couple therapists find it difficult to convey the principle of simultaneous care to couples they treat. This...
By Eva Van Prooyen, M.F.T.
PACT certified couple therapist
[email protected]
Relationships are messy, and all couples experience conflict. Becoming skillful at repairing those conflicts quickly is the ultimate goal, but when we are in distress, under threat,...
Patricia Williams, LCSW
Westchester, NY & Vermont
PACT Level 2
As a couple therapist, it has long been a passion of mine to help couples prepare for the birth of a child, not only prenatally but post birth, as well. There is substantial evidence that...
Kara Hoppe, MA, LMFT
PACT Level 2
Los Angeles, CA
I recently became a parent to a beautiful baby boy, and I can speak from my own experience when I say that the struggle of mothering and coupling is real. I now have a new...
Inga Gentile, MFT
PACT faculty
Bardu, Norway
In the PACT model, a priority is placed on experience over interpretation. This is in part because we target the more primitive, less plastic parts of the brain (which are experience driven)...
Clinton Power, Grad.Dip.Psych.Couns., Gestalt therapist
Sydney, Australia
When a new couple present to your practice and reveal they are in a polyamorous relationship, you may find the concept of loving multiple people strange, risky, or...
Amanda Woolveridge, M.App.sci.
Sydney, Australia
John yanked open the curtains at 10:30 am. Light flooded the bedroom as he placed their one-year-old baby on Susanne, who looked bleary eyed and confused as she struggled to wake up. “He’s...
Jason Polk, LCSW, LAC
Denver, CO
There is no magic bullet to maintaining and raising children within a blended family (a family with children from multiple relationships), and I am not an expert in the finer points of day-to-day interactions in a...
Eda Arduman, Ma.
PACT Level II therapist
Istanbul, Turkey
Agreeing to disagree can be easier said than done. Some people believe that their beliefs and values constitute their character, and thus can’t be changed. But a relationship in which change is disallowed will not be...
Krista Jordan, Ph.D., ABPP
PACT Level III candidate
Austin, TX
“He doesn’t find me attractive,” she lamented, eyes cast downward toward his shoes.
My interest as this couple’s therapist was piqued: the woman before me could easily be mistaken for a model....
Susan B. Saint-Rossy, LCSW
PACT Level III candidate
Ashburn, VA
Most couples who come to me identify their main problem as lack of or poor communication. Many times, couples believe that if they just learned to communicate properly, their...
Margaret Martin, LCSW, SEP
PACT Level III candidate
Austin, TX
When I started my career, I was a dyed-in-the-wool individual therapist, with little or no interest in couple therapy. My master’s program offered minimal education in couple...