Love in the Time of the Coronavirus: PACT and Telehealth beth o'brien carolyn sharp gabrielle usatynski jason brand stan tatkin telehealth Mar 27, 2020
Gabrielle Usatynski, LPC
PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador
Carolyn Sharp, LICSW
PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador  
Beth O’Brien, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist
PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador
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Thinking About Polyamory? Is Consensual Nonmonogamy Healthy for Your Relationship? carolyn sharp for couples nonmonogamy polyamory Nov 21, 2019

By Carolyn Sharp, LICSW

PACT Level 3 Therapist, PACT Ambassador

 More and more couples who come into my office for therapy are interested in polyamory or consensual nonmonogamy. Some have been practicing it for years and believe it to be part of their values and...

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Self-Regulation and the PACT Therapist arousal carolyn sharp for therapists self regulation Mar 12, 2019

By Carolyn Sharp, LICSW
PACT Level III Therapist

After laughing with Marty about the wonderful date they had, Peter adds, “Of course we had to go to the restaurant you wanted.” With that slight emphasis on going to...

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Creating Community, Deepening Intention carolyn sharp community for therapists retreat secure functionng Jul 15, 2018

by Carolyn Sharp, LICSW
PACT level 3 candidate
Seattle, WA

One of the richest aspects of the PACT approach is the experiential, embodied nature of the sessions. Over the course of a 2- to 3-hour session, couples develop a felt understanding of one another and of a new...

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