Using PACT to Fight Fair attunement coregulation for therapists kate balestrieri secure functioning Oct 21, 2019

By Kate Balestrieri, Psy.D., CSAT-S, CST

PACT Level 2 Therapist

All couples fight. Therapists know this. Couples (most couples) know this. But in the moment, it feels like annihilation for a couple ill-prepared to stay attuned and remain committed to a secure-functioning...

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Healing Trauma Relationally Through PACT coregulation for therapists jeff cohen trauma Aug 20, 2019

By Jeff Cohen, MFT
PACT Level 3 Therapist 

When Gayle and Paul came to see me, it was clear that Gayle felt Paul was the problem. Paul was taciturn to an unusual degree and could be quick to anger. For her part, Gayle presented as highly verbal, competent, and overtly friendly;...

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Power Dynamics and Management of Thirds: Avoiding Triangulation in Therapy coregulation debra l. kaplan for therapists thirds Nov 14, 2018

Debra L. Kaplan, MA, LPC, CSAT-S
PACT level 1
Tucson, AZ

Couple therapy is challenging, and some clinicians find it too intimidating to attempt. They worry, for example, that a misattuned observation could alienate not just one but both partners....

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